How to use iOS (Swift) SceneKit SCNSceneRenderer unprojectPoint properly How to use iOS (Swift) SceneKit SCNSceneRenderer unprojectPoint properly ios ios

How to use iOS (Swift) SceneKit SCNSceneRenderer unprojectPoint properly

Typical depth buffers in a 3D graphics pipeline are not linear. Perspective division causes depths in normalized device coordinates to be on a different scale. (See also here.)

So the z-coordinate you're feeding into unprojectPoint isn't actually the one you want.

How, then, to find the normalized-depth coordinate matching a plane in world space? Well, it helps if that plane is orthogonal to the camera -- which yours is. Then all you need to do is project a point on that plane:

let projectedOrigin = gameView.projectPoint(SCNVector3Zero)

Now you have the location of the world origin in 3D view + normalized-depth space. To map other points in 2D view space onto this plane, use the z-coordinate from this vector:

let vp = gestureRecognizer.locationInView(scnView)let vpWithZ = SCNVector3(x: vp.x, y: vp.y, z: projectedOrigin.z)let worldPoint = gameView.unprojectPoint(vpWithZ)

This gets you a point in world space that maps the click/tap location to the z = 0 plane, suitable for use as the position of a node if you want to show that location to the user.

(Note that this approach works only as long as you're mapping onto a plane that's perpendicular to the camera's view direction. If you want to map view coordinates onto a differently-oriented surface, the normalized-depth value in vpWithZ won't be constant.)

After some experimentation, here's what we developed to project a touch point to a given point in the scene for some arbitrary depth.

The modification you need is to compute the intersection of the Z=0 plane with this line, and that will be your point.

private func touchPointToScenePoint(recognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> SCNVector3 {    // Get touch point    let touchPoint = recognizer.locationInView(sceneView)    // Compute near & far points    let nearVector = SCNVector3(x: Float(touchPoint.x), y: Float(touchPoint.y), z: 0)    let nearScenePoint = sceneView.unprojectPoint(nearVector)    let farVector = SCNVector3(x: Float(touchPoint.x), y: Float(touchPoint.y), z: 1)    let farScenePoint = sceneView.unprojectPoint(farVector)    // Compute view vector    let viewVector = SCNVector3(x: Float(farScenePoint.x - nearScenePoint.x), y: Float(farScenePoint.y - nearScenePoint.y), z: Float(farScenePoint.z - nearScenePoint.z))    // Normalize view vector    let vectorLength = sqrt(viewVector.x*viewVector.x + viewVector.y*viewVector.y + viewVector.z*viewVector.z)    let normalizedViewVector = SCNVector3(x: viewVector.x/vectorLength, y: viewVector.y/vectorLength, z: viewVector.z/vectorLength)    // Scale normalized vector to find scene point    let scale = Float(15)    let scenePoint = SCNVector3(x: normalizedViewVector.x*scale, y: normalizedViewVector.y*scale, z: normalizedViewVector.z*scale)    print("2D point: \(touchPoint). 3D point: \(nearScenePoint). Far point: \(farScenePoint). scene point: \(scenePoint)")    // Return <scenePoint>    return scenePoint}

This is my solution for getting the exact point in 3d Space.

// If the object is in 0,0,0 point you can usefloat zDepth = [self projectPoint:SCNVector3Zero].z;// or myNode.position.//zDepth = [self projectPoint:myNode.position].z;NSLog(@"2D point: X %f, Y: %f, zDepth: %f", click.x, click.y, zDepth);SCNVector3 worldPoint = [self unprojectPoint:SCNVector3Make(click.x, click.y,  zDepth)];SCNVector3 nearVec = SCNVector3Make(click.x, click.y, 0.0);SCNVector3 nearPoint = [self unprojectPoint:nearVec];SCNVector3 farVec = SCNVector3Make(click.x, click.y, 1.0);SCNVector3 farPoint = [self unprojectPoint:farVec];float z_magnitude = fabs(farPoint.z - nearPoint.z);float near_pt_factor = fabs(nearPoint.z) / z_magnitude;float far_pt_factor = fabs(farPoint.z) / z_magnitude;GLKVector3 nearP = GLKVector3Make(nearPoint.x, nearPoint.y, nearPoint.z);GLKVector3 farP = GLKVector3Make(farPoint.x, farPoint.y, farPoint.z);GLKVector3 final_pt = GLKVector3Add(GLKVector3MultiplyScalar(nearP, far_pt_factor), GLKVector3MultiplyScalar(farP, near_pt_factor));NSLog(@"3D world point = %f, %f, %f", final_pt.x, final_pt.y, worldPoint.z);