I have Registered App ID but still it shows You have no eligible Bundle IDs for iOS apps. Register one here I have Registered App ID but still it shows You have no eligible Bundle IDs for iOS apps. Register one here ios ios

I have Registered App ID but still it shows You have no eligible Bundle IDs for iOS apps. Register one here

Logging out and back in of iTunes Connect fixed this for me.

seems a problem with iTunes Connect Contracts and payments. Here is a quote

Had the same problem. Just had to update my contract & tax info and accept the new iAd contract and everything worked again (Even though I don't want to use iAd at all).

Seems to be working for them. Not sure though.I am gonna check it out.

I guess there is something wrong with iTunes Connect now. I can't add new app either. Itunes connect doesn't see any of my recently added APP_STORE provisioning profiles.