Integarte/Install cocoapods to existing xcode project, objective-c or swift Integarte/Install cocoapods to existing xcode project, objective-c or swift ios ios

Integarte/Install cocoapods to existing xcode project, objective-c or swift

Install CocoaPods on System

Step.1 Open Terminal and enter the following command:

sudo gem install cocoapods

Create Podfile for Project

Step.2 now you need to close Xcode.

Open Terminal at project's root folder

Step.3 Next, enter below command to create podfile:

pod init

Edit podfile

Note: Make sure we will edit podfile with Xcode not TextEdit etc.

Step.4 Type this command to open the Podfile using Xcode for editing:

open -a Xcode Podfile

Step.5 update pode file as shown below screenshot, save and close.

enter image description here

Install lib/framework

Now we have added our required lib/framework pod command

pod 'SwiftForms'

let's go for install

Step.5 Enter the following command in Terminal and hit Enter

pod install

Result screen

enter image description here

Thats it!! we have done.

Open Project with pods

Now go to the project folder,we can see that CocoaPods created a new project_name.xcworkspace file and a Pods folder.

open project_name.xcworkspace with xcode

your project structure should look like

enter image description here