Integrate Fabric/Crashlytics via CocoaPods Integrate Fabric/Crashlytics via CocoaPods ios ios

Integrate Fabric/Crashlytics via CocoaPods

Fabric now supports installation with CocoaPods:

If you are just looking for Crashlytics you can use these two pods:

pod 'Fabric'pod 'Crashlytics'

Along with adding the following build phase script (note: In case the path to your repo contains spaces, you will need the quotes):

"${PODS_ROOT}"/Fabric/run <API Key> <Build Secret>

Run Script Build Phase

If you are looking to use TwitterKit you will need to include:

pod 'TwitterKit'

Same problem for me was fixed by changing the line from:

./Pods/Fabric/Fabric.framework/run YOUR_API_KEY YOUR_BUILD_SECRET


../Pods/Fabric/Fabric.framework/run YOUR_API_KEY YOUR_BUILD_SECRET

In other words, just prepend an extra '.' to designate that the 'Pods' directory is a sibling rather than a child of the build directory. YMMV.

I had the same problem, use the $PODS_ROOT environment variable which points to your Pods folder; be sure to quote it in case you have spaces in your path; so instead of

./Pods/Fabric/Fabric.framework/run YOUR_API_KEY YOUR_BUILD_SECRET


"$PODS_ROOT"/Fabric/Fabric.framework/run YOUR_API_KEY YOUR_BUILD_SECRET