Internal navigation rejected: <allow-navigation not set> in Cordova on iOS Internal navigation rejected: <allow-navigation not set> in Cordova on iOS ios ios

Internal navigation rejected: <allow-navigation not set> in Cordova on iOS

I was having this problem and it turns out there are two config.xml files. The first one is in Xcode, but you have to edit the second one from the filesystem.


I added

<allow-navigation href="*" /> 

to both of them and it worked. Using 6.3.0.

You have to add this line to your config.xml

<allow-navigation href="" />

or this one if you want to allow the navigation to all the urls on

<allow-navigation href="*" />

Thanks for the pointer. The solution

<allow-navigation href="about:" />

caused a cordova prepare error for me. I need to use the following instead:

<allow-navigation href="about:*" />