iOS Internal testing - Unable to download crash information? iOS Internal testing - Unable to download crash information? ios ios

iOS Internal testing - Unable to download crash information?

I know this is an old post but if someone else is still facing this issue, make sure your device has the switch in Settings > Privacy > Analytics > Share iPhone Analytics, turned on.

You can find them on a crashed device:Settings > Privacy > Analytics & Improvements > Analytics Data > (search for your bundle ID among the other listed logs)

If you're the only tester (and so always have access to the device on which the crash occured), then you can bypass Xcode and instead use a tool from the following library:

What the library does is provide a variety of different tools that lets you interact with your IOS device natively from a terminal shell. It's got a load of useful features you should explore, but, for your purposes 'idevicecrashreport' is what you need.

You run this from your command line and you can export your crash logs directly from your device to your machine.

Installation instructions for OSX here:

Once installed, pair your device with your machine, go to your terminal and type in:


the -e flag allows you to specify a location to dump your logs.