iOS navigation bar item image size iOS navigation bar item image size ios ios

iOS navigation bar item image size

These are the sizes that the documentation recommends for custom icons now.

enter image description here

  • @2: 50 x 50
  • @3: 75 x 75

Create two images of the above pixel sizes and then add them to a new image set in your Assets.xcassets file. (Apparently the @1 size is no longer needed.)

enter image description here

Alternatively, you could use a universal vector image (pdf) (see here and here). This has been my preference recently.

Related answer

Apple updated their Human Interface Guidelines Docs. Now the recommended sizes for creating custom icons for Navigation Bar and Toolbar

  • @2x - 48px × 48px (24pt × 24pt @2x)

  • @3x - 72px × 72px (24pt × 24pt @3x)

enter image description here

The typical standard sizes (non-Retina) are 22px by 22px, while the 2x (or Retina) sizes are 44px by 44px.