iOS RTMP streaming library - LFLiveKit vs VideoCore lib vs alternative [closed] iOS RTMP streaming library - LFLiveKit vs VideoCore lib vs alternative [closed] ios ios

iOS RTMP streaming library - LFLiveKit vs VideoCore lib vs alternative [closed]


Other (Paid)

  • Low latency GPU Streaming Library for iOS - onlinelib·de/streaming/($$?)
  • VideoStream SDK Objective-C framework for iOS -videostreamsdk·com ($$$, FFMPEG license?)
  • VideoKit streamingframework for iOS - iosvideokit·com ($$$+)
  • Larix Mobile BroadcastingSDK - wmspanel·com/mobile_library ($$)
  • Streamaxia OpenSDK - streamaxia·com/opensdk-ios-rtmp-library ($$)

LaiFeng iOS Live Kit has more features, iOS only. If sharing code base between iOS and macOS HaishinKit (LF) seems to be a better choice, also note Emmanouil Nicolas's answer regarding HaishinKit lf.swift completely written in swift and is constantly updated (!) Also take a look at the project mentioned by Emmanouil: ltebean/Live

Testing both HaishinKit and LaiFeng iOS Live Kit libraries with Cameleon and publishing the result here.