iOS Tab Bar icons keep getting larger iOS Tab Bar icons keep getting larger ios ios

iOS Tab Bar icons keep getting larger

As per the project shared by the OP (see question comments), it seems the tab bar image insets seem to be messing things up.

Steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Select the tab bar item of the problematic ViewControllers in IB
  2. Go to Size Inspector section (on the right)
  3. Ensure your image insets are balanced
    • If you give 5px inset to top then balance with a -5px inset to bottom
    • If you give 5px inset to left then balance with a -5px inset to right

I have no explanation for this, sorry... but if anyone does then kindly comment/post

try This..

myDealNavigationController.tabBarItem.imageInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(5, 0, -5, 0);

I was also running with same issue and above accepted answer helped me.

Just to show case what steps to do:

While setting image to tab bar select image and balance image insets from all sides.

Need to keep few things in mind:

As shown in below image, balance from all four sides.

enter image description here

It will make UI proper.
