iOS - Workaround for manually focusing on an input/textarea iOS - Workaround for manually focusing on an input/textarea ios ios

iOS - Workaround for manually focusing on an input/textarea

I have also harassed same this like issue solved by simple one css property that is -webkit-user-select:none I removed this and all works fine.try out this.

On your UIWebView, set keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction to NO.

I used iPad Air [iOS 7.0.4], iPad Mini [iOS 7.1] and jQuery [1.11.3] for my test.

The .focus event worked perfectly for me both in input and textarea fields.

I am pasting the code below with which I tested. Please let me know if I am missing anything.

Is it for some previous version of iOS / jQuery ?


<body>    <!--<input id="in" type="text"/>-->    <textarea id="in"></textarea>    <button id="btn">Add Focus</button></body>

My query,

$('#btn').click(function(){    $('#in').focus();})