iPhone 5 splashscreen not displaying correctly - Phonegap iPhone 5 splashscreen not displaying correctly - Phonegap ios ios

iPhone 5 splashscreen not displaying correctly - Phonegap

I've received two answers elsewhere but haven't had time to test them out yet:From user T123 in the Phonegap Google Group:open CDVViewController.m -- find - (void) showSplashScreen

change about line: 690

From :

else // not iPad{    orientedLaunchImageFile = launchImageFile;}


else // not iPad{    orientedLaunchImageFile = launchImageFile;    /* Edited for 4-inch IP5 */    if(screenBounds.size.height == 568)        orientedLaunchImageFile = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-568h", launchImageFile];}

And from Brion who commented above, the following pull request, hoepfully to be incorporated into Cordova 2.2.0: https://github.com/apache/incubator-cordova-ios/pull/50

EDIT: Tried T123's solution and it's working for me!EDIT2: Brion's fix was incorporated in Cordova 2.2.0 which has now been released!

EDIT3: Just updating to highlight a comment for those who don't bother reading them:

For Phonegap version 1.4.1, I managed to get Hessius's fix to work like this: I copied the methods showSplashScreen, isIPad, resolveImageResource and the definition #define degreesToRadian(x) (M_PI * (x) / 180.0) from the file PGViewController.m to my MainViewController.m file. After that, XCode complained that I was assigning values to read-only attributes, so I edited the header file in PhoneGap.framework to make those two attributes readwrite. I also changed launchImageFilefrom Hessius's code to @"Default". This did the trick for me. – Joe Dyndale Oct 8 '12 at 15:23

The fix for this (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-1482) is not out until 2.2. It is very risky to use the unstable version and I don't bother to compile from source code myself, so I tried the following hack:

In MainViewController.m

- (void) showSplashScreen   {       CGRect screenBounds = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];       // HACK: PhoneGap pre-2.2 does not support iphone5 splash image well, so we just skip it        if (screenBounds.size.height == 568) {          return;     }       [super showSplashScreen];   }   

This will disable showSplashScreen for iPhone5 to avoid the shorter launch image added by PhoneGap (iOS initial launch image is showing up fine). It worked for me and I barely notice any difference by hacking off showSplashScreen for iPhone5.

White Flicker

I was having this same problem with Cordova 2.2. I think it is worth mentioning that I had to take an added step in order to get the splash screen to render correctly.

I made the changes that were included in @Hessius answer. But I noticed that a white screen flash was produced after the splash screen appeared.

In the (void)showSplashScreen method others may see

if (launchImageFile == nil) { // fallback if no launch image was specified //        if (CDV_IsIPhone5()) { //            // iPhone 5 or iPod Touch 6th-gen //            launchImageFile = @"Default-568h"; //        } else {        launchImageFile = @"Default"; //        }}

Commenting the code out(or removing) that I have commented, eliminated the white flicker I was seeing in between app load and launch screen.

Hope this helps someone!