iPhone Could Not Support Development iPhone Could Not Support Development ios ios

iPhone Could Not Support Development

I just got this error with Xcode 4.0.2 and an iPhone 3G running 4.2.1 (the final 4.x allowed on a 3G). I restarted Xcode and it went through the process of collecting debug information, then gave me a green light. Other answers here say that you may also need to quit iTunes for this to work.

Conclusion: Try restarting Xcode. Quit iTunes first if it was open.

Classic ;-)

  1. connect the iphone
  2. Go to Xcode -> Window -> organizer
  3. find your iphone and press "Use for development"

  4. As Jacob said: try adding / removing your device as well

If you still get this error you have an out of date XCode

I had the same problem with IOS 5.0.1 and Xcode 4.2. I restarted Xcode as other suggested. However, I also needed to close iTunes which had started automatically and eject my iPhone from iTunes. Then, restart Xcode and it worked fine.