Is it possible to change an UIActivityIndicatorView color to black in iOS? Is it possible to change an UIActivityIndicatorView color to black in iOS? ios ios

Is it possible to change an UIActivityIndicatorView color to black in iOS?

You can use the .color property in order to change the UIActivityIndicatorView color, e.g.:

// Objective-CactivityIndicator.color = [UIColor greenColor];// SwiftactivityIndicator.color = .green

Note that .color is only available from iOS 5.

To use a standard system color:

activityIndicator.color = .green

To use a custom RGBA color

activityIndicator.color = UIColor(displayP3Red: 255/255, green: 150/255, blue: 181/255, alpha: 255/255)

You can switch between .gray, .white and .whiteLarge by using the .activityIndicatorViewStyle property.