Is there a good free barcode scanning SDK for non-autofocus cameras on iOS? [closed] Is there a good free barcode scanning SDK for non-autofocus cameras on iOS? [closed] ios ios

Is there a good free barcode scanning SDK for non-autofocus cameras on iOS? [closed]

When i saw your question it really shows your hard work.So,much research..I don't know why you didn't check out Grabba..Its free and supports iPod touch 4G but i don't know whether it supports ipad 2 or not.So,i am sharing the link please check it out.

Scandit SDK barcode scanner from Mirasense supports fully iPad 2..

But as you already mentioned its not free..

you can also check for PDF417 barcode reader,it is free..

Sorry,this much only i can help you..Let me know if your problem still didn't get solved..

The general problem with scanning barcodes on devices with fixed-focus cameras is that for smaller barcodes, it's very hard to get a decent input image for the library from the camera: The image is either not sharp enough, or too small.

For bigger barcodes, I have had good experiences with ZXing on iPad 2, even though it officially does not support fixed-focus cameras. You should give it a try.