Is there a way to change the text position in UITabBar or UITabBarItem? Is there a way to change the text position in UITabBar or UITabBarItem? ios ios

Is there a way to change the text position in UITabBar or UITabBarItem?

Why don't you just have an empty title property for your view controller and add the title to your custom images for the tab?

UPDATE: For the sake of completeness of answer; from comments and ios tabbar put text in the middle when no image

[tab.tabBarItem setTitlePositionAdjustment:UIOffsetMake(0, -10)]

You probably want to apply this offset globally, so I'd suggest


[UITabBarItem appearance].titlePositionAdjustment = UIOffsetMake(0, -4);


UITabBarItem.appearance().titlePositionAdjustment = UIOffset(horizontal: 0, vertical: -4)