Key Commands must all have a Title, Key and Selector Key Commands must all have a Title, Key and Selector ios ios

Key Commands must all have a Title, Key and Selector

Open your storyboard file as source code (right click -> open as -> source code). There should be a line, <keyCommands> <keyCommand/> </keyCommands>. Removing this should solve your problem.

This line can be caused by accidentally clicking the + button in the key commands section of the view controller's attributes inspector, although it may be caused by other factors. The extra line can cause weird things to happen in XCode, such as errors and crashes.

To do this with the xcode interface builder:

  1. Select your view controller

  2. Select attributes inspector

  3. Find "Key Commands" list at the bottom

  4. Select the keys within the list, such as: "Enter action below"

  5. Hit the minus button

This should fix the problem.

Example Image, Click Here

I have a solution:

  1. Open storyboard as "source Code" (right click on storyboard -> open as -> source code).
  2. Delete this line: <keyCommands><keyCommand/></keyCommands>
  3. Run app.