Launch Screen not working on iOS 14 with Xcode 12 Launch Screen not working on iOS 14 with Xcode 12 ios ios

Launch Screen not working on iOS 14 with Xcode 12

A work around that seems to be working for me:

For a strange reason if I am downsizing the image then it is working fine. I had a full size image of dimension 2732x2732 and it didn't work. Reducing the dimension of the same image to 2400x2400 is working fine. I have tried with 2500x2500 and 2600x2600 but none worked.

Most importantly, every time I change the image I had to restart the simulator to reflect the updated image.

It didn't work on the real device yet. Like the simulator, I had to restart the device and then only it worked.

Not sure if it is something with the dimension/size of the image or with the reboot.

Further updates:

I uploaded the same build (with smaller image) to TestFlight and installed it on my device (basically updated from the previous version having large size image) and unfortunately the issue persisted :(

Now what I did is uninstalled the app and reinstalled it again from TestFlight. Issue still persisted.

Finally I had to delete the app, reboot my device and install the app again. This is when it worked fine.

So here are a lot of good ideas, but I was able to finally solve the issue - it is more like a workaround. I needed to store the picture outside the Images.xcassets folder and then it started to work again. This is a very weird issue.

A workaround is to use a button with an image instead of an imageview in the launch storyboard. It works like a charm!!