Loop through subview to check for empty UITextField - Swift Loop through subview to check for empty UITextField - Swift ios ios

Loop through subview to check for empty UITextField - Swift

Update for Swift 2 (and later): As of Swift 2/Xcode 7 this can be simplified.

  • Due to the Objective-C "lightweight generics", self.view.subviewsis already declared as [UIView] in Swift, therefore the castis not necessary anymore.
  • Enumeration and optional cast can be combined with to a for-loopwith a case-pattern.

This gives:

for case let textField as UITextField in self.view.subviews {    if textField.text == "" {        // show error        return    }}

Old answer for Swift 1.2:

In Swift this is nicely done with the optional downcast operator as?:

for view in self.view.subviews as! [UIView] {    if let textField = view as? UITextField {        if textField.text == "" {            // show error            return        }    }}

See "Downcasting"in the Swift book.

Swift 5 and Swift 4: -A Very simple answer you can understand easyly : - You can handle all kind of Objects like UILable, UITextfields, UIButtons, UIView, UIImages . any kind of objecs etc.

for subview in self.view.subviews{    if subview is UITextField    {        //MARK: - if the sub view is UITextField you can handle here        if subview.text == ""        {            //MARK:- Handle your code        }    }    if subview is UIImageView    {     //MARK: - check image      if subview.image == nil      {             //Show or use your code here      }    }}//MARK:- You can use it any where, where you need it//Suppose i need it in didload function we can use it and work it what do you needoverride func viewDidLoad() {    super.viewDidLoad()    for subview in self.view.subviews    {        if subview is UITextField        {         //MARK: - if the sub view is UITextField you can handle here            if subview.text == ""            {               //MARK:- Handle your code            }        }        if subview is UIImageView        {          //MARK: - check image            if subview.image == nil                {                 //Show or use your code here                }            }        }    }