Moving status bar in iOS 7 Moving status bar in iOS 7 ios ios

Moving status bar in iOS 7

The gist of it is to use this method introduced in iOS 7:

With that you get a UIView containing a screenshot that includes the status bar. Once you have that, it's just a matter of hiding your current view then pushing the screenshot view around.

I posted a proof of concept here:

NOTE I haven't submitted code that does this through the Apple review process, but this is not a private API method.

So, after the initial push by Mr. Simon Holroyd and some searching, I've found the solution of how to achieve this "effect" functionality. This is the code:

statusbarView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 20)];

EDIT: mister pcholberg correctly pointed out that the former code did not work on the actual device, only on the iOS Simulator, so I've edited it by his recommendation

if (SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(@"7.0")){    UIView *screenShot = [[UIScreen mainScreen] snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates:NO];    [statusbarView addSubview:screenShot];    [statusbarView setClipsToBounds:YES];    [self.view addSubview:statusbarView];    [self setPrefersStatusBarHidden:YES];    [self prefersStatusBarHidden];    [self performSelector:@selector(setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate)];}


- (BOOL)prefersStatusBarHidden{    return prefersStatusBarHidden;}


So the first part creates context, uses the method Simon mentioned, draws the view with the statusbar, and saves that as an UIImage

The second part adds the snapshot UIView to my viewController's UIView

And the third part sets my bool for statusbar to YES (for easier use in the method above), and calls methods to redraw it

This then sets the UIView as not-functional statusbar at its place and hides the original one, so there is no double-rendering. Then I can use this view in my [UIView animateWithDuration... method

And when I return, I use this code in the completion handler of the animation block:

[statusbarView removeFromSuperview];if (SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(@"7.0")){    [self setPrefersStatusBarHidden:NO];    [self prefersStatusBarHidden];    [self performSelector:@selector(setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate)];}

And voilá! This works as the described effect in my question.

Hope this helps somebody!

I use this method to move statuebar with slider view,in a application there are two window,one normal window,other statuBarWindow,i get statuBarView which superView is statuBarWindows ,and move it with slider view.

- (UIView *)statuBarView{    NSString *key = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:(unsigned char []){0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x75, 0x73, 0x42, 0x61, 0x72} length:9] encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];    id object = [UIApplication sharedApplication];    UIView *statusBar = nil;    if ([object respondsToSelector:NSSelectorFromString(key)]) {        statusBar = [object valueForKey:key];    }    return statusBar;}