New build disappears after uploading it to iTunes Connect New build disappears after uploading it to iTunes Connect ios ios

New build disappears after uploading it to iTunes Connect

Check your email. App Store review may send you a email for User Usage.
This may help you. NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription in Xcode8

You have to wait like 5 - 20 mins and you will find the app in Activity tab (left side).

If you are in admin position for that developer account, you will receive an email about the state of the build you submitted.

I also faced same issue. After adding missing privacy-sensitive key data usage in apps Info.plist the problem is fixed.

  1. Check and add the missing keys in your Info.plist file. Refer the link for more info.

  2. Some keys might be used by the 3rd party pods included in your application. Find them and include in your Info.plist file.(You can get them easily from App Store email sent to you)

3.Following are the keys which fixed my issue, add,NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription,NSCalendarsUsageDescription,NSContactsUsageDescription,NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription,NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription.