New React Native project with old version of react native New React Native project with old version of react native ios ios

New React Native project with old version of react native

There is a new parameter in react-native init that allows just this. Try:

react-native init --version="react-native@0.36.0" MyNewApp

Here my source. I have successfully tested it with react-native-cli 2.0.1.

rninit is a replacement for react-native init that allows you to specify a particular version of react-native to use.

Install rninit globally:

npm install -g rninit

Specify which version of react-native to use:

rninit init [Project Name] --source react-native@0.14.2

Thanks to @vanson-wing-leung for pointing me to rninit

Use the --version flag.

react-native init blank --version react-native@0.14.2