'No such token' error upon submitting payment request to Stripe 'No such token' error upon submitting payment request to Stripe ios ios

'No such token' error upon submitting payment request to Stripe

Are you sure you're using the same API keys on your server and client?
Your server should be using your (live/test) secret key, and your iOS app should be using your (live/ test) publishable key as mentioned here on Stripe Testing.

I had been facing same issue for my test environment and the mistake i had been doing, i was adding the token received by Stripe like this one source: 'tok_18nnwSJ6tVEvTdcVs3dNIhGs' , but for the test environment we have to use source: 'tok_visa'.

Here is the list of test sources provided by Stripe. https://stripe.com/docs/testing#cards

It created customer for me, let me know if it helped anyone else as well.

The accepted answer does not work for me. I am using correct key for client and server, but still the issue is still there. I am sending source from iOS to the server as well, based on stripe example RocketRides, it is sending source ID of the credit card, which is "card_xxx", and that is not gonna work. You will have to add "customer" attribute for the call on your server side.

For example: (python)

stripe.Charge.create(amount=1000, currency='usd', source="card_xxxxx", **customer**='cus_xxxx', application_fee=600,destination={'account': 'acct_xxxx'})