NSPredicate compare with Integer NSPredicate compare with Integer ios ios

NSPredicate compare with Integer

NSNumber is an object type. Unlike NSString, the actual value of NSNumber is not substitued when used with %@ format. You have to get the actual value using the predefined methods, like intValue which returns the integer value. And use the format substituer as %d as we are going to substitute an integer value.

The predicate should be,

predicateWithFormat:@"userID == %d", [stdUserNumber intValue]];

If you are using predicateWithSubstitutionVariables: and value you want to predicate is NSNumber with integer value then you need to use NSNumber in predicate instead of NSString as substitution value. Take a look at example:

NSPredicate *genrePredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"genreID == $GENRE_ID"]]; //if we make only one NSPredicate if would look something like this: [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"genreID == %d", [someString integerValue]];NSPredicate *localPredicate = nil;for(NSDictionary *genre in genresArray){    localPredicate = [genrePredicate predicateWithSubstitutionVariables:@{@"GENRE_ID" : [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[genre[@"genre_id"] integerValue]]}];}