NSURL to file path in test bundle with XCTest NSURL to file path in test bundle with XCTest ios ios

NSURL to file path in test bundle with XCTest

In fact, the [NSBundle mainBundle] when running a UnitTest is not the path of your app, but is /Developer/usr/bin, so this will not work.

The way to get resources in a unit test is here: OCUnit & NSBundle

In short, use:

[[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] resourcePath]

or in your case:

[[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] resourceURL]

Swift 5.3

Note: Swift 5.3 includes Package Manager Resources SE-0271 capabilities which can be used with application bundle and test bundle resources.

Resources aren't always intended for use by clients of the package; one use of resources might include test fixtures that are only needed by unit tests. Such resources would not be incorporated into clients of the package along with the library code, but would only be used while running the package's tests.

Swift 4, 5:

let testBundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))guard var fileUrl = testBundle.url(forResource: "imageName", withExtension: "png")   else { fatalError() }// path approachguard let filePath = testBundle.path(forResource: "dataName", ofType: "csv")  else { fatalError() }let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath)

Bundle provides ways to discover the main and test paths for your configuration:

@testable import Exampleclass ExampleTests: XCTestCase {      func testExample() {    let bundleMain = Bundle.main    let bundleDoingTest = Bundle(for: type(of: self ))    let bundleBeingTested = Bundle(identifier: "com.example.Example")!        print("bundleMain.bundlePath : \(bundleMain.bundlePath)")    // …/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Agents    print("bundleDoingTest.bundlePath : \(bundleDoingTest.bundlePath)")    // …/PATH/TO/Debug/ExampleTests.xctest    print("bundleBeingTested.bundlePath : \(bundleBeingTested.bundlePath)")    // …/PATH/TO/Debug/Example.app        print("bundleMain = " + bundleMain.description) // Xcode Test Agent    print("bundleDoingTest = " + bundleDoingTest.description) // Test Case Bundle    print("bundleUnderTest = " + bundleBeingTested.description) // App Bundle

The Xcode URL will be in Developer/Xcode/DerivedData something like ...

file:///Users/  UserName/    Library/      Developer/        Xcode/          DerivedData/            App-qwertyuiop.../              Build/                Products/                  Debug-iphonesimulator/                    AppTests.xctest/                      imageName.png

... which is separate from Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices URL

file:///Users/  UserName/    Library/    Developer/      CoreSimulator/        Devices/          _UUID_/            data/              Containers/                Bundle/                  Application/                    _UUID_/                      App.app/

Also note the unit test executable is, by default, linked with the application code. However, the unit test code should only have Target Membership in just the test bundle. The application code should only have Target Membership in the application bundle. At runtime, the unit test target bundle is injected into the application bundle for execution.

Swift Package Manager (SPM) 4:

let testBundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self)) print("testBundle.bundlePath = \(testBundle.bundlePath) ")

Note: By default, the command line swift test will create a MyProjectPackageTests.xctest test bundle. And, the swift package generate-xcodeproj will create a MyProjectTests.xctest test bundle. These different test bundles have different paths. Also, the different test bundles may have some internal directory structure and content differences.

In either case, the .bundlePath and .bundleURL will return the path of test bundle currently being run on macOS. However, Bundle is not currently implemented for Ubuntu for Swift 4.

Also, the Swift 4 command line swift build and swift test do not provide a mechanism for copying resources.

However, with some effort, it is possible to set up processes for using the Swift Package Manger with resources in the macOS Xcode, macOS command line, and Ubuntu command line environments. One example can be found here: 004.4'2 SW Dev Swift Package Manager (SPM) With Resources Qref

Just to append to correct answer, this is example how to get filePath for a file in your UnitTests/Supporting Files:

NSString *filePath = [[[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"YourFileName.json"];XCTAssertNotNil(filePath);

This probably will be useful for someone.