Objective-C vs. C speed Objective-C vs. C speed ios ios

Objective-C vs. C speed

Objective-C is slightly slower than straight C function calls because of the lookups involved in its dynamic nature. I'll edit this answer with more detail on how it works later if nobody else adds in the detail.

However, more importantly, you are optimizing prematurely. There's a VERY high chance that the extra overhead of Objective-C will have zero noticeable impact on your application's performance.

Take advantage of Objective-C's strengths to design the best written, most object-oriented application possible. If, and only if, testing shows performance problems, optimize those particular areas of the application.

The main performance hit with Objective-C is in the work required to dispatch a method invocation. Objective-C is dynamically bound, which means that the object receiving the message (selector) decides what to do with it at run time. This is implemented with a hash table. The selector is hashed (at compile time I think) and mapped to the method that gets invoked via a hash table, and it takes time to do the look up.

Having said that, the method lookup – which happens in objc_msgSend() is highly optimised. In fact, it is hand crafted in assembler. I've heard it said that the overhead compared to a C function call is about 20 machine instructions. Normally, this is not a big deal, but if you are running through a 100,000 element NSArray, looking up each element with -objectAtIndex: that becomes quite a bit of overhead.

In almost every case, however, the extra flexibility and functionality is worth the cost. This is why wadersworld's answer contains fine advice.

Bill Bumgarner has written an awesome set of articles on objc_msgSend()

Slow is relative.

Objective C messaging is slow relative to accessing lots of small data type elements (every pixel in a large image bitmap or every audio sample in an entire song) inside innermost loops. Objective C is really fast relative to doing anything at the rate of UI or even display refresh events.

For handling Core Audio raw samples, stick with using C. For handling Core Audio events related to UI (stop, start, properties, etc.), encapsulating them in Objective C won't make any measurable speed difference.