Parse Starter Project LogIn and Register View Controllers Errors Parse Starter Project LogIn and Register View Controllers Errors ios ios

Parse Starter Project LogIn and Register View Controllers Errors

I had this same issue. The login related classes for parse require you to add two additional frameworks beyond what is listed in their quick start documentation:


These frameworks are part of iOS. Simply go to the projects Build Phases->Link Binary with Libraries and add them. I hope you find this helpful.

They didn't mention in the Quick start this two.


This library has been included in the, with Bolts we clean the last 4 errors.


I was receiving the exact same error while attempting to complile the Parse Starter project. So I followed the advice in this post:, and everything seemed to work.

Basically, all I had to do was remove the reference to and re-install these frameworks:


After that, the project compiled without any errors or warnings.