Pass Tuples as AnyObject in swift Pass Tuples as AnyObject in swift ios ios

Pass Tuples as AnyObject in swift

Tuples are no Objects, so this won't work. However if you change AnyObject to Any, you can pass objects as well as tuples:

func getWithPath(path:String, userState: Any)

From swift docs

You’ll have access to anything within a class or protocol that’s marked with the @objc attribute as long as it’s compatible with Objective-C. This excludes Swift-only features such as those listed here: 7 Generics

TuplesEnumerations defined in SwiftStructures defined in SwiftTop-level functions defined in SwiftGlobal variables defined in SwiftTypealiases defined in SwiftSwift-style variadicsNested typesCurried functions

For example, a method that takes a generic type as an argument or returns a tuple will not be usable from Objective-C.

So you can not use tuple for AnyObject as there is no matched objective c object for tuple.Instead use Dictionary to pass as parameter

Use dictionary instead

var abc:[String:AnyObject] = ["abc":123,"pqr":"not"] you can use AnyObject for thar

Use this for your dictionary

let userState:[String:AnyObject] = ["name": "temp", "callingDate": NSDate(), "randomValue": 2345]