Passing data with unwind segue Passing data with unwind segue ios ios

Passing data with unwind segue

Øyvind Hauge beat me to the same solution method, but as I had already started with a more detailed answer, I'll add it as well.

Let's say your two view controllers are named as follows:

  • Master/entry point: ViewController (vcA)
  • Secondary view: ViewControllerB (vcB)

You set up the segue from (vcA) -> (vcB) as you have done in you example

/* in ViewController.swift */   // ...// segue ViewController -> ViewControllerBoverride func prepareForSegue(segue: (UIStoryboardSegue!), sender: AnyObject!){    if segue.identifier == "viewNext" {        let viewControllerB = segue.destinationViewController as! ViewControllerB        viewControllerB.dataPassed = labelOne.text    }}

The somewhat tricky step next is that, using this method, the segue used for passing data back from (vcB) to (vcA) is also added to the source of (vcA), as an @IBAction method (rather than, as could possibly be expected, added to the source of (vcB)).

/* in ViewController.swift */   // ...// segue ViewControllerB -> ViewController@IBAction func unwindToThisView(sender: UIStoryboardSegue) {    if let sourceViewController = sender.sourceViewController as? ViewControllerB {        dataRecieved = sourceViewController.dataPassed    }}

You thereafter connect say, a button in (vcB) to this unwind action in (vcA) via the manual Exit segue in (vcB):

enter image description here

Below follows a complete example of passing text from (vcA) to (vcB); (possibly) modifying that text via an UITextField, finally returning the (possibly) modified text to (vcA).

(vcA) source:

/* ViewController.swift: Initial view controller */import UIKitclass ViewController: UIViewController {    var dataRecieved: String? {        willSet {            labelOne.text = newValue        }    }    @IBOutlet weak var labelOne: UILabel!    @IBAction func buttonOne(sender: UIButton) {        performSegueWithIdentifier("viewNext", sender: self)    }    // set default labelOne text    override func viewDidLoad() {        super.viewDidLoad()        labelOne.text = "Default passed data"    }    // segue ViewController -> ViewControllerB    override func prepareForSegue(segue: (UIStoryboardSegue!), sender: AnyObject!)    {        if segue.identifier == "viewNext" {            let viewControllerB = segue.destinationViewController as! ViewControllerB            viewControllerB.dataPassed = labelOne.text        }    }    // segue ViewControllerB -> ViewController    @IBAction func unwindToThisView(sender: UIStoryboardSegue) {        if let sourceViewController = sender.sourceViewController as? ViewControllerB {            dataRecieved = sourceViewController.dataPassed        }    }}

(vcB) source (note that the UITextFieldDelegate delegate here is only used for "locally" mutating the value of the dataPassed property, which will be returned to (vcA) and assigned to dataRecieved property of the latter)

/* ViewControllerB.swift */import UIKitclass ViewControllerB: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate {    var dataPassed : String?    @IBOutlet weak var textField: UITextField!    // set default textField text to the data passed from previous view.    override func viewDidLoad() {        super.viewDidLoad()        textField.text = dataPassed        // Handle the user input in the text field through delegate callbacks        textField.delegate = self    }    // UITextFieldDelegate    func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {        // User finished typing (hit return): hide the keyboard.        textField.resignFirstResponder()        return true    }    func textFieldDidEndEditing(textField: UITextField) {        dataPassed = textField.text    }}

Example execution:

enter image description here

This is how I would do it:

  1. Create an outlet in view controller 1, like this:

    @IBAction func unwindToViewController1(segue: UIStoryboardSegue) {   let foo =   // TODO: Use foo in view controller 1}
  2. Connect view controller 2 (the vc you are unwinding from) like shown below. Drag from the yellow circle in vc2 to 'Exit'. The IBAction from view controller 1 should pop up. Select it.enter image description here

  3. Now, whenever you unwind from view controller 2, the unwindToViewController1: method in view controller 1 will get called.

  4. This is where you'll retrieve the property you want from view controller 2. Note that you need to cast the segue.sourceViewController to your custom view controller subclass in order to get the right property.

If your app supports iOS 9+ you can pass data almost the same as prepareForSegue, use UIStoryboardUnwindSegueSource that has a sender property which is exactly the same as the the sender property in prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?).

How to use it:

  1. Create an unwindTo method.

Note: Connecting the unwindTo method is the same as @Øyvind Hauge and @dfri explained in their answers.

  1. Inside the view controller you want to unwind to, override the method canPerformUnwindSegueAction(_:from:withSender:)
  2. Inside this method, check if the type fromViewController is the type you were coming from
  3. If it is, cast the sender property to the type you sent and return true
  4. Else, return false

Code snip (Swift 4.0):

@IBAction func unwindToMyFirstViewController(segue: UIStoryboardSegue) {}override func canPerformUnwindSegueAction(_ action: Selector, from fromViewController: UIViewController, withSender sender: Any) -> Bool {    if fromViewController is MyCustomViewController,        let customType = sender as? MyCustomType {        return true    }    return false}