Programmatically add event in iPhone/Android Calendar with PhoneGap/jQuery Mobile? Programmatically add event in iPhone/Android Calendar with PhoneGap/jQuery Mobile? ios ios

Programmatically add event in iPhone/Android Calendar with PhoneGap/jQuery Mobile?

Per the comments below, it is now possible to create an iCal file for iOS and a vcs file for Android. It will require browser/device sniffing, or give the user the choice, but it should at least be possible.

I realize it's old question but there is plugin for this now. It has its cons, but works. At the moment of writing it supports the following functionality:

  • iOS supports: create (silently), update (silently) and delete (silently) event
  • Android >= 4: create (interactively and silently), update (not supported), delete (silently) event
  • Android < 4: create (interactively), update (not supported), delete (not supported) event

Here follows code example:

  var startDate = new Date(2014,2,15,18,30,0,0,0);  var endDate = new Date(2014,2,15,19,30,0,0,0);  var title = "My nice event";  var newTitle = "My new nice event";  var location = "Home";  var notes = "Some notes about this event.";  var success = function(message) {      alert("Success: " + JSON.stringify(message));   };  var error = function(message) {      alert("Error: " + message);   };  window.plugins.calendar.createEvent(title,location,notes,startDate,endDate,success,error);  window.plugins.calendar.modifyEvent(title,location,notes,startDate,endDate,newTitle,location,notes,startDate,endDate,success,error);  window.plugins.calendar.deleteEvent(newTitle,location,notes,startDate,endDate,success,error);

Currently the PhoneGap development roadmap does not include calendar support. However, there are many requests for it. See this post called "Calendar plugin following W3C calendar API" which points to the PhoneGap-Calendar-Plugin project which includes some initial calendar support for Android.