Proper way to hide status bar on iOS, with animation and resizing root view Proper way to hide status bar on iOS, with animation and resizing root view ios ios

Proper way to hide status bar on iOS, with animation and resizing root view

For those that are trying to implement this with view controller-based status bar appearance, you need to implement the prefersStatusBarHidden method in your view controller

 - (BOOL)prefersStatusBarHidden{    // If self.statusBarHidden is TRUE, return YES. If FALSE, return NO.    return (self.statusBarHidden) ? YES : NO;}

And then, in your button click method:

- (void) buttonClick:(id)sender{    // Switch BOOL value    self.statusBarHidden = (self.statusBarHidden) ? NO : YES;    // Update the status bar    [UIView animateWithDuration:0.25 animations:^{        [self setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate];    }];}

To set the animation style, you use this:

-(UIStatusBarAnimation)preferredStatusBarUpdateAnimation{    return UIStatusBarAnimationSlide;}

And to customize the style:

- (UIStatusBarStyle)preferredStatusBarStyle{    return UIStatusBarStyleLightContent;}

This works fine and has nothing hard coded.

CGRect appFrame = [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame];[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationSlide];[UIView animateWithDuration:0.25 animations:^{    self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame = self.navigationController.navigationBar.bounds;    self.view.window.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, appFrame.size.width, appFrame.size.height);}];

You can present and then dismiss modal view controller to hide status bar correctly

- (void)toggleStatusBar {    BOOL isStatusBarHidden = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] isStatusBarHidden];    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:!isStatusBarHidden];    UIViewController *vc = [[UIViewController alloc] init];    [self presentViewController:vc animated:NO completion:nil];    [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil];    [vc release];}

I used this code in the "willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation" method for landscape orientation and everything is working correctly. But I don't know if it will work with animation.