React Native ios picker is always open React Native ios picker is always open ios ios

React Native ios picker is always open

Use ActionSheet instead of Picker on iOS.

As answered by jevakallio this is the default behaviour on iOS. But this doesn't give a good UX so remove all picker components and replace with ActionSheet.

I did and it works great. The reason I prefered ActionSheet over other components suggested by jevakallio because it is developed by the RN team and has a good native feeling. The last option suggested react-native-modal-picker is also very good.

enter image description here

That's just how the iOS UIPickerView component works - there's no way to customize it.

If you want a different kind of UI element, you'll need to write your own, or use one of the many open source libraries, such as:

Googling with these, and similar keywords, yields many other libraries as well.

I don't know why you'd choose the answer with ActionSheet as accepted answer.However I'll give a workaround for this problem:

Put this values in your state:

this.state= {    pickerOpacity: 0,    opacityOfOtherItems: 1 //THIS IS THE OPACITY OF ALL OTHER ITEMS, WHICH COLLIDES WITH YOUR PICKER.    label: 'Firstvalue'}

In your render method do following:

{this.checkIfIOS()}      <Picker         selectedValue={this.state.selected}         style={{ height: 50, alignSelf: 'center', opacity: this.state.pickerOpacity, marginBottom:30, width: 250}}         onValueChange={(itemValue, itemIndex) =>{            this.setState({                selected: itemValue,                label: itemValue            });            toggle();            }          }>          <Picker.Item label="Your Label" value="yourValue"/>      </Picker>

So now we've to check, whether our client is android or ios. Therefore import Platform and put the checkIfIos()-Method in your code:

import {Platform} from 'react-native'checkIfIOS(){        if(Platform.OS === 'ios'){ // check if ios            console.log("IOS!!!");            //this button will (onpress) set our picker visible            return (<Button buttonStyle={{backgroundColor:'#D1D1D1', opacity: this.state.opacityOfOtherItems}} onPress={this.toggle()} color="#101010" title={this.state.label} onPress={this.changeOpacity}/>);         }else if(Platform.OS === 'android'){ //check if android            this.setState({                pickerOpacity: 1 //set picker opacity:1 -> picker is visible.            });            console.log("ANDROID!!!");        }    }toggle(){    if(Platform.OS === 'ios'){        if(this.state.pickerOpacity == 0){            this.setState({                pickerOpacity: 1,                opacityOfOtherItems: 0 // THIS WILL HIDE YOUR BUTTON!            });         }else{             this.setState({                 pickerOpacity: 0,                 opacityOfOtherItems: 1             });          }     }}

EDIT: Screenshot with iOS (Click here for Video)

Screenshot of DatePicker with iOS