Setting Corner Radius on UIImageView not working Setting Corner Radius on UIImageView not working ios ios

Setting Corner Radius on UIImageView not working

You need to set the layer's masksToBounds property to YES:

cell.previewImage.layer.masksToBounds = YES;

This is because the UIImageView control creates a pseudo-subview to hold the UIImage object.

Also worth noting that

  1. If you are using aspectFit AND cornerRadius with clipsToBounds/masksToBounds, you won't get the rounded corners.

i.e if you have this

theImageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit


   theImageView.layer.cornerRadius = (theImageView.frame.size.height)/2    theImageView.clipsToBounds = true


theImageView.layer.masksToBounds = true

It won't work. you will have to get rid of aspectFit code

//theImageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
  1. Make sure the width and the height for the Image View is same

This should work

cell.previewImage.clipsToBounds = YES;cell.previewImage.layer.cornerRadius = 20;