SFAuthenticationSession/ASWebAuthenticationSession and logging out SFAuthenticationSession/ASWebAuthenticationSession and logging out ios ios

SFAuthenticationSession/ASWebAuthenticationSession and logging out

With ASWebAuthenticationSession, setting .prefersEphemeralWebBrowserSession to true prior to calling .start() will force the user to enter credentials in the browser session. While not the same as logging out, this will allow a new user to login with different credentials when launching the next session.

Update November 2020: We used @react-native-community/cookies to clear cookies as a workaround. See the snipped below as an example.

import CookieManager from '@react-native-community/cookies';CookieManager.clearAll().catch(e => alert("Error deleting cookies during logout"))

Previous answer from April 2020. This may be helpful for anybody struggling with this. I've spent few hours testing different options, going through apps and looking how they do it and reading forums/discussions.

  1. I haven't find a way to programatically clear cookies and there is no documentation on Apple on this.
  2. Using FB as an example. Logging out from Safari and deleting FB app doesn't help. Any app which is downloaded will not ask for login to FB if you logged in once before through ASWebAuthenticationSession or SFAuthenticationSession.
  3. If users ask how to force login (even though it's not your problem as a developer) you can point them to: Settings -> Safari -> Advanced -> Website Data -> Remove All Website Data (or just the ones for the provider).
  4. If your use case needs switching of users (like in my case where we use Azure AD and users share 1 phone) you have 2 options. A) Open ASWebAuthenticationSession with the logout endpoint (as mentioned, this is very weird UX). B) Open Safari as a separate app (not inside yours) and do login/logout there. Unfortunately, there is no way to redirect the user to your app after logout if the OAuth provider doesn't support redirect on logout.

It sucks because this prevents developers from creating nice experiences on iOS for use cases where a business needs to share device between multiple users and OAuth is used as identity provider.

One of the “best” solutions I have come across is to open a logout page in system Safari (not an SFSafariViewController). Because ASWebAuthenticationSession shares cookies reliably with Safari, the expired/deleted cookie then also affects the app.

See this GitHub page for more details.