Strong password autofill appears in iOS simulator Strong password autofill appears in iOS simulator ios ios

Strong password autofill appears in iOS simulator

Had the same problem. What was useful for me is going to settings of the simulator -> Passwords -> Turn On and then Turn OFF AutoFill passwords.

going to settings of the simulator -> Passwords -> Turn On and then Turn OFF AutoFill passwords.

enter image description here

type any password

enter image description here

enter image description here

Not sure if it was like that since the beginning but setting isSecureTextEntry = true is enough to trigger that bug as well (at least in Xcode 12.2).

Therefore, the work-around which worked for me was:

let field = UITextField()if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {    #if targetEnvironment(simulator)    // Do Not enable '.password' or '.newPassword' or 'isSecureTextEntry' text content type on simulator as it ends up with annoying behaviour:    // 'Strong Password' yellow glitch preventing from editing field.    print("Simulator! not setting password-like text content type")    #else    field.textContentType = .password    field.isSecureTextEntry = true    #endif}field.placeholder = "Password"