Swift: Get all subviews of a specific type and add to an array Swift: Get all subviews of a specific type and add to an array ios ios

Swift: Get all subviews of a specific type and add to an array

The filter function using the is operator can filter items of a specific class.

let myViews = view.subviews.filter{$0 is MyButtonClass}

MyButtonClass is the custom class to be filtered for.

To filter and cast the view to the custom type use compactMap

let myViews = view.subviews.compactMap{$0 as? MyButtonClass}

Here you go

    extension UIView {    /** This is the function to get subViews of a view of a particular type */    func subViews<T : UIView>(type : T.Type) -> [T]{        var all = [T]()        for view in self.subviews {            if let aView = view as? T{                all.append(aView)            }        }        return all    }/** This is a function to get subViews of a particular type from view recursively. It would look recursively in all subviews and return back the subviews of the type T */        func allSubViewsOf<T : UIView>(type : T.Type) -> [T]{            var all = [T]()            func getSubview(view: UIView) {                if let aView = view as? T{                all.append(aView)                }                guard view.subviews.count>0 else { return }                view.subviews.forEach{ getSubview(view: $0) }            }            getSubview(view: self)            return all        }    }

You can call it like

let allSubviews = view.allSubViewsOf(type: UIView.self)let allLabels = view.allSubViewsOf(type: UILabel.self)

So many of the answers here are unnecessarily verbose or insufficiently general. Here's how to get all subviews of a view, at any depth, that are of any desired class:

extension UIView {    func subviews<T:UIView>(ofType WhatType:T.Type) -> [T] {        var result = self.subviews.compactMap {$0 as? T}        for sub in self.subviews {            result.append(contentsOf: sub.subviews(ofType:WhatType))        }        return result    }}

How to use:

let arr = myView.subviews(ofType: MyButtonClass.self)