Unable to download Apple Developer keys after initial creation Unable to download Apple Developer keys after initial creation ios ios

Unable to download Apple Developer keys after initial creation

You can't re-download the IOS Push Notification Auth key. Only public key is retained by Apple and a private key which you retain and protect.

See documentation section Provider-to-APNs Connection Trust.

Token-based provider connection trust: A provider using the HTTP/2-based API can use JSON web tokens (JWT) to provide validation credentials for connection with APNs. In this scheme, you provision a public key to be retained by Apple, and a private key which you retain and protect.

You can see warning too when you create an Auth Key.

Download and Back Up After downloading your key, it cannot be re-downloaded as the server copy is removed. If you are not prepared to download your key at this time, click Done and download it at a later time. Be sure to save a backup of your key in a secure place.

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