What does NSURLConnection's error code "-1009" mean? What does NSURLConnection's error code "-1009" mean? ios ios

What does NSURLConnection's error code "-1009" mean?

Since the error returned should be within the NSURLErrorDomain, the code -1009 means:


Returned when a network resource was requested, but an internet connection is not established and cannot be established automatically, either through a lack of connectivity, or by the user's choice not to make a network connection automatically.

With Swift, you can use the NSURLError enum for NSURL error domain check:

switch NSURLError(rawValue: error.code) {case .Some(.NotConnectedToInternet):    print("NotConnectedToInternet")default: break}

Swift 3:

switch URLError.Code(rawValue: error.code) {case .some(.notConnectedToInternet):    print("NotConnectedToInternet")default: break}

Swift 4:

switch URLError.Code(rawValue: error.code) {case .notConnectedToInternet:    print("NotConnectedToInternet")default: break}

It's NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet which means, well, that you're not connected to the internet... :)

You can find the error codes in NSURLError.h.