What is a monospace font in iOS? What is a monospace font in iOS? ios ios

What is a monospace font in iOS?

iOS mono-spaced fonts

Courier  Courier-Bold  Courier-BoldOblique  Courier-Oblique  CourierNewPS-BoldItalicMT  CourierNewPS-BoldMT  CourierNewPS-ItalicMT  CourierNewPSMT  Menlo-Bold  Menlo-BoldItalic  Menlo-Italic  Menlo-Regular

iosfonts.com maintain a list of all iOS fonts.

This webpage detects your installed system fonts and returns a fairly comprehensive list.

Looking at an old listing of fonts shipped with iOS I see several one monospace fonts.

(eg. Andale Mono, Monaco, Courier New)

For 2018 it's only Menlo and Courier.

If your intent is to display numbers and you don't care about the specific font used, you can do this:

UIFont.monospacedDigitSystemFontOfSize(    UIFont.systemFontSize(),    weight: UIFontWeightRegular)