what's the difference between view's hidden = yes and alpha = 0.0f what's the difference between view's hidden = yes and alpha = 0.0f ios ios

what's the difference between view's hidden = yes and alpha = 0.0f

The differences are subtle.According to the UIView class reference:

  • opaque tells the system that the view has no transparency and is thus faster to render because calculations for blending can be skipped
  • hidden is boolean property that changes only the visibility of the current view and hides it from ui events.
  • alpha is an animatable property

Setting alpha = 0.0f or hidden = YES has the same visual effect.However using hidden to actually hide a view not only in a graphical sense but also from ui events might result in a more efficient responder chain when you have lots of nested views.

setting view.hidden = yes will hide the view and view.alpha = 0.0f will set the colors of view alpha 0.0 which will make the view invisible, so both are not same.... :)