Why HTML5 video doesn't play in IOS 8 WebApp(webview)? Why HTML5 video doesn't play in IOS 8 WebApp(webview)? ios ios

Why HTML5 video doesn't play in IOS 8 WebApp(webview)?

Video playback is broken on standalone applications in IOS 8.0.2

Looks like iOS 8.3 fixes this issue. I have a standalone web app that uses an audio element, and it's working as expected now. FINALLY!


Packaged cordova App cannot load video


<preference name="AllowInlineMediaPlayback" value="true"/>

to config.xml and


to the video element.

The UI says video is Loading, while video.networkStatus remains 2 (NETWORK_LOADING) and video.readyState 0 (HAVE_NOTHING)

Safari playback works

Home screen launcher playback does not work

For the same webapp that worked in ios Safari, the homescreen version does not play videos either, and crashes the webapp when trying to change the source of the video.

I don't like apple :|