Xcode 4.3: Codesign operation failed (Check that the identity you selected is valid) Xcode 4.3: Codesign operation failed (Check that the identity you selected is valid) ios ios

Xcode 4.3: Codesign operation failed (Check that the identity you selected is valid)

I've discovered that Xcode 4.3.1 has a serious issue validating apps with resources within a directory tree within an application bundle.

Apps can pass validation within the Xcode "Build for Archive" process - it only fails when the validation is run via Organizer.

After spending hours trying to trace down the usual code signing entitlement issues, I eventually noticed the following line in the system console when the export fails:

3/10/12 2:32:48.450 PM [0x0-0x261261].com.apple.dt.Xcode: /Users/chris/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2012-03-10/Coverage 3-10-12 2.32 PM.xcarchive/Products/Applications/Coverage.app/Tiles/T-Mobile-roam/4: Is a directory

I spent a day trying to isolate this bug, and I've finally nailed it.

The code signer in XCode 4.3.1 when validating for the App Store or saving for AdHoc distribution chokes whenever there is a subdirectory in your bundle that has the same name as its parent directory.

For example:

test/test/file.x -- FAILtest/test2/file.x -- WORKS

This seems to be new in Xcode 4.3.1, and hopefully will be fixed soon.

Notes: This thread seems related: https://devforums.apple.com/message/630800

I was the original poster on the Apple Dev Forums...

I've also attempted to bring this to the attention of the AddThis developers:

As mentioned in the other posts, the only way I've found to prevent the code signing failure is to remove the ATResources.bundle file from the project.

Of course, this bundle contains many of the necessary images for AddThis, among other things, but the error no longer occurs.

I'm hoping this helps someone else discover the correct way to solve this issue.

The problem is AddThis or explicitly the ATResources.bundle in the AddThis folder.

So you have two options:

  • The first one is using an older version of Xcode to Archive.

  • The second one is relocate all the images inside theATResources.bundle into a folder, and copy the content of theLocalizable.strings into your own Localizable.strings

    Then open the FBDialog.m file and search for "close.png", remove thatline of code and replace it with:

    UIImage* closeImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"close.png"];

Now you're ready to Archive.

Finally consider to file a bug report in https://bugreport.apple.com/