Xcode 6.1 keeps telling me some PartialInfo.plist couldn't be opened Xcode 6.1 keeps telling me some PartialInfo.plist couldn't be opened ios ios

Xcode 6.1 keeps telling me some PartialInfo.plist couldn't be opened

I found the answer. I have to replace all xib files' IBCocoaTouchPlugin to newer version.

<plugIn identifier="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin" version="6244"/>

You can solve it by deleting the content in the DerivedData folder. If you're worried about deleting too many folders, then delete only the folders that start with the name of your current project that you're trying to problem-solve for.Remember to close XCode before you delete the data


For me (with Xcode 6.3) this was happening with a file that happened to end in ~iPhone.xib. I changed it end in the all lower-case ~iphone.xib, and problem solved.