Xcode 6 Editor doesn't recognize unit tests Xcode 6 Editor doesn't recognize unit tests ios ios

Xcode 6 Editor doesn't recognize unit tests

Problem is solved. All I have to do is to launch the "Window -> Projects" window and delete the "Derived Data. After indexing all tests are working.

In the meanwhile apple is fixing the bugs in the Xcode 6.3 editor bit by bit.

For me the fix was to prefix all method with 'test'


func arrayResponseCall() 

should be:

func testArrayResponseCall()

The "fix" for me was to add a new test. I made up some nonsense:

func testThatNothing() {    XCTAssertTrue(true, "True should be true")}

When I ran the tests again, all the tests in that file were recognized by the editor. I deleted the bogus test and it's all still fine. Unfortunately I had to do this in each file, but at least it works. Hope this helps someone.