Xcode asking username & password every time I compile to device Xcode asking username & password every time I compile to device ios ios

Xcode asking username & password every time I compile to device

For solution go to Keychain Access, and in the top left navigation, move your Developer certificate from "System" to "Login".

Actually problem is Developer certificate is under "System", and it is locked every-time, so it will require a password to unlock, whereas when certificate is in "Login" section it will resolve that.

In keychain remove your development and distribution certificates from System and place them under Login. It will ask once and you have to select Always allow

That worked for me. Hope it works for you aswel.

In Xcode 7.1, I didn't find Login so I have given access to Xcode and codesign for the certificate key by following steps:

  1. Open Key Chain
  2. Go to Certificate under System
  3. Click on closure, right click on private key and select 'Get Info'
  4. Click on 'Access Control' tab
  5. Add Xcode and coding under 'Always allow access by these applications:'

It solves my problem.