Ant is using wrong java version Ant is using wrong java version java java

Ant is using wrong java version

Just had this issue, it happened because I'd first added the build file to the ant-view when the default JRE was 1.6.

There was no project-specific JRE and I changed the default to 1.5, even eclipse was running in 1.5, and JAVA_HOME was 1.5 too. Running the ant target from the command line used JRE 1.5, but within eclipse it still used 1.6.

I had to right-click the ant target, select Run As... and change the JRE under the JRE tab. This setting is remembered for subsequent runs.

In Eclipse:

  • Right click on your build.xml

  • click "Run As", click on "External Tool Configurations..."

  • Select tab JRE. Select the JRE you are using.

Re-run the task, it should be fine now.

According to the ant manual, setting JAVA_HOME should work - are you sure the changed setting is visible to ant?

Alternatively, you could use the JAVACMD variable.