Bitwise operator for simply flipping all bits in an integer? Bitwise operator for simply flipping all bits in an integer? java java

Bitwise operator for simply flipping all bits in an integer?

The ~ unary operator is bitwise negation. If you need fewer bits than what fits in an int then you'll need to mask it with & after the fact.

Simply use the bitwise not operator ~.

int flipBits(int n) {    return ~n;}

To use the k least significant bits, convert it to the right mask.
(I assume you want at least 1 bit of course, that's why mask starts at 1)

int flipBits(int n, int k) {    int mask = 1;    for (int i = 1; i < k; ++i)        mask |= mask << 1;    return ~n & mask;}

As suggested by Lưu Vĩnh Phúc, one can create the mask as (1 << k) - 1 instead of using a loop.

int flipBits2(int n, int k) {    int mask = (1 << k) - 1;    return ~n & mask;}

There is a number of ways to flip all the bit using operations

x = ~x; // has been mentioned and the most obvious solution.x = -x - 1; or x = -1 * (x + 1);x ^= -1; or x = x ^ ~0;