Cleanest way to toggle a boolean variable in Java? Cleanest way to toggle a boolean variable in Java? java java

Cleanest way to toggle a boolean variable in Java?

theBoolean = !theBoolean;

theBoolean ^= true;

Fewer keystrokes if your variable is longer than four letters

Edit: code tends to return useful results when used as Google search terms. The code above doesn't. For those who need it, it's bitwise XOR as described here.

There are several

The "obvious" way (for most people)

theBoolean = !theBoolean;

The "shortest" way (most of the time)

theBoolean ^= true;

The "most visual" way (most uncertainly)

theBoolean = theBoolean ? false : true;

Extra: Toggle and use in a method call

theMethod( theBoolean ^= true );

Since the assignment operator always returns what has been assigned, this will toggle the value via the bitwise operator, and then return the newly assigned value to be used in the method call.