Connecting to remote URL which requires authentication using Java Connecting to remote URL which requires authentication using Java java java

Connecting to remote URL which requires authentication using Java

You can set the default authenticator for http requests like this:

Authenticator.setDefault (new Authenticator() {    protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {        return new PasswordAuthentication ("username", "password".toCharArray());    }});

Also, if you require more flexibility, you can check out the Apache HttpClient, which will give you more authentication options (as well as session support, etc.)

There's a native and less intrusive alternative, which works only for your call.

URL url = new URL(“location address”);URLConnection uc = url.openConnection();String userpass = username + ":" + password;String basicAuth = "Basic " + new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(userpass.getBytes()));uc.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", basicAuth);InputStream in = uc.getInputStream();

You can also use the following, which does not require using external packages:

URL url = new URL(“location address”);URLConnection uc = url.openConnection();String userpass = username + ":" + password;String basicAuth = "Basic " + javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(userpass.getBytes());uc.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", basicAuth);InputStream in = uc.getInputStream();