Copy file in Java and replace existing target Copy file in Java and replace existing target java java

Copy file in Java and replace existing target

You need to pass Path arguments as explained by the error message:

Path from = cfgFilePath.toPath(); //convert from File to PathPath to = Paths.get(strTarget); //convert from String to PathFiles.copy(from, to, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

That assumes your strTarget is a valid path.

As a complement to @assylias' answer:

If you use Java 7, drop File entirely. What you want is Path instead.

And to get a Path object matching a path on your filesystem, you do:

Paths.get("path/to/file"); // argument may also be absolute

Get used to it real fast. Note that if you still use APIs which require File, Path has a .toFile() method.

Note that if you are in the unfortunate case where you use an API which returns File objects, you can always do:


But in code of yours, use Path. Systematically. Without a second thought.

EDIT Copying a file to another using 1.6 using NIO can be done as such; note that the Closer class is inspited by Guava:

public final class Closer    implements Closeable{    private final List<Closeable> closeables = new ArrayList<Closeable>();    // @Nullable is a JSR 305 annotation    public <T extends Closeable> T add(@Nullable final T closeable)    {        closeables.add(closeable);        return closeable;    }    public void closeQuietly()    {        try {            close();        } catch (IOException ignored) {        }    }    @Override    public void close()        throws IOException    {        IOException toThrow = null;        final List<Closeable> l = new ArrayList<Closeable>(closeables);        Collections.reverse(l);        for (final Closeable closeable: l) {            if (closeable == null)                continue;            try {                closeable.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                if (toThrow == null)                    toThrow = e;            }        }        if (toThrow != null)            throw toThrow;    }}// Copy one file to another using NIOpublic static void doCopy(final File source, final File destination)    throws IOException{    final Closer closer = new Closer();    final RandomAccessFile src, dst;    final FileChannel in, out;    try {        src = closer.add(new RandomAccessFile(source.getCanonicalFile(), "r");        dst = closer.add(new RandomAccessFile(destination.getCanonicalFile(), "rw");        in = closer.add(src.getChannel());        out = closer.add(dst.getChannel());        in.transferTo(0L, in.size(), out);        out.force(false);    } finally {        closer.close();    }}

package;import;import java.nio.file.Files;import java.nio.file.Path;import java.nio.file.Paths;import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;public class CopyFileOnExist {    public static void main(String[] args)  {        Path sourceDirectory = Paths.get("C:/Users/abc/Downloads/FileNotFoundExceptionExample/append.txt");        Path targetDirectory = Paths.get("C:/Users/abc/Downloads/FileNotFoundExceptionExample/append5.txt");        //copy source to target using Files Class        try {            Files.copy(sourceDirectory, targetDirectory,StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);        } catch (IOException e) {            System.out.println(e.toString());        }    }}