Does Java support structs? Does Java support structs? java java

Does Java support structs?

The equivalent in Java to a struct would be

class Member{    public String FirstName;     public String LastName;      public int    BirthYear;  };

and there's nothing wrong with that in the right circumstances. Much the same as in C++ really in terms of when do you use struct verses when do you use a class with encapsulated data.

Java definitively has no structs :)But what you describe here looks like a JavaBean kind of class.

Java 14 has added support for Records, which are structured data types that are very easy to build.

You can declare a Java record like this:

public record AuditInfo(    LocalDateTime createdOn,    String createdBy,    LocalDateTime updatedOn,    String updatedBy) {} public record PostInfo(    Long id,    String title,    AuditInfo auditInfo) {}

And, the Java compiler will generate the following Java class associated to the AuditInfo Record:

public final class PostInfo        extends java.lang.Record {    private final java.lang.Long id;    private final java.lang.String title;    private final AuditInfo auditInfo;     public PostInfo(            java.lang.Long id,            java.lang.String title,            AuditInfo auditInfo) {        /* compiled code */    }     public java.lang.String toString() { /* compiled code */ }     public final int hashCode() { /* compiled code */ }     public final boolean equals(java.lang.Object o) { /* compiled code */ }     public java.lang.Long id() { /* compiled code */ }     public java.lang.String title() { /* compiled code */ }     public AuditInfo auditInfo() { /* compiled code */ }} public final class AuditInfo        extends java.lang.Record {    private final java.time.LocalDateTime createdOn;    private final java.lang.String createdBy;    private final java.time.LocalDateTime updatedOn;    private final java.lang.String updatedBy;     public AuditInfo(            java.time.LocalDateTime createdOn,            java.lang.String createdBy,            java.time.LocalDateTime updatedOn,            java.lang.String updatedBy) {        /* compiled code */    }     public java.lang.String toString() { /* compiled code */ }     public final int hashCode() { /* compiled code */ }     public final boolean equals(java.lang.Object o) { /* compiled code */ }     public java.time.LocalDateTime createdOn() { /* compiled code */ }     public java.lang.String createdBy() { /* compiled code */ }     public java.time.LocalDateTime updatedOn() { /* compiled code */ }     public java.lang.String updatedBy() { /* compiled code */ }}

Notice that the constructor, accessor methods, as well as equals, hashCode, and toString are created for you, so it's very convenient to use Java Records.

A Java Record can be created like any other Java object:

PostInfo postInfo = new PostInfo(    1L,    "High-Performance Java Persistence",    new AuditInfo(        LocalDateTime.of(2016, 11, 2, 12, 0, 0),        "Vlad Mihalcea",,        "Vlad Mihalcea"    ));